Giving is the art of letting go.
“The cultivation of generosity is the beginning of spiritual awakening. Generosity has tremendous force because it arises from an inner quality of letting go. Being able to let go, to give up, to renounce, and to give generously all spring from the same source, and when we practice generosity, dāna, we open up these qualities within ourselves. Letting go gives us profound freedom and many loving ways to express that freedom. Generosity is the beginning of the path. When the Buddha taught, he always began with generosity.” - Sharon Salzberg
Pacific North West Meditation Community has chosen to continue the ancient Buddhist tradition of offering the teachings on a dāna (donation) basis. It is solely supported by the dāna offered for the teachings. Please remember, even the smallest act of generosity is an expression of dāna. We are deeply grateful for all your acts of generosity.